Pohádka o Mrazíkovi, Ivanovi a Nastěnce
Streets of Rage 4
Spot Goes To Hollywood
Taz in Escape from Mars
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Hovniválové aneb Záhada komixu
Altered Beast
Ecco the Dolphin
Castlevania Legends
Gooka 2: Záhada Janatrisu
Call of Duty
Paradise Lost
Brány Skeldalu 2: Pátý Učedník
Duke Nukem
Metroid II: Return of Samus
Legend of Zelda
Alien Vs Predator z Atari Jaguar
Last Rites
Cool Spot
The Secret of Monkey Island
Super Mario World
Dreamland: Final Solution
Golden Axe
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour
Dark Seed
Jazz Jackrabbit
Sonic CD
Ve stínu havrana
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Spyro the Dragon
Super Metroid
Crash Bandicoot
Prince of Persia
Fish Fillets
Freedom Fighters
Sigil II
Polda 2 Remástr
Polda 6
GTA Stories
Tomb Raider II
Quake 4
Unity Doom
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour
Postal 2
5 Days a Stranger
Blake Stone
Horké léto
Quake III Arena
Runaway: A Road Adventure
Bio-Hazard Battle
Shadow Man
Léto s Oskarem
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Dyna Blaster
Clock Tower
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now
Commander Keen 1: Marooned on Mars
Blood II: The Chosen
Halo: Combat Evolved
Sonic 3D Blast
Amid Evil
Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Serious Sam 2
Stíny noci
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Polda 5
Chex Quest
Max Payne
Super Mario Bros. 3
Will Rock
Dračí historie
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
Posel bohů
Ztracený ostrov
The Witcher
RoboCop Versus The Terminator
Polda 7
REKKR: Sunken Land
Pět kouzelných amuletů
Agent Mlíčňák, Teenagent
Red Faction
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Redneck Rampage
Brány Skeldalu
Soldier of Fortune
Polda 4
Doom (2016)
Half-Life 2
Duke Nukem Forever
Project Warlock
Grand Theft Auto III
Castlevania: The Adventure
Contra: Hard Corps
Wolfenstein 3D
Unreal Tournament
Super Mario Bros. 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Quake II (datadisky)
Heretic II
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos
Shadow Warrior
Strife: Quest for the Sigil
Diablo II
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity
Rise of the Triad
Doom 3
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
7 dní a 7 nocí
Polda 3
Beneath a Steel Sky
Quake II
Tajemství Oslího ostrova
Mega Bomberman
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Streets of Rage 3
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2
Alien Cabal
Super Mario Bros.
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth
Street of Rage 2
Hexen II
Polda 2
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Doom 64
Castlevania Chronicles
Silent Hill 3
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Posel Smrti
Streets of Rage
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Silent Hill
World of Illusion
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
No One Lives Forever
Final Doom
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
Doom II: Hell on Earth (datadisky)
Doom II: Hell on Earth
Ion Fury
Silent Hill 2
Příhody z Galské země
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Doom Eternal
The Longest Journey
Tomb Raider
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
Duke Nukem 3D
Exhumed, Powerslave (PSX)
HeXen: Beyond Heretic
Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings
Haunted Castle
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
Castlevania, Dracula X
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Sonic the Hedgehog
Chasm: The Rift
Super Castlevania IV
Planescape: Torment
Anvil of Dawn
Clive Barker’s Undying
Exhumed, Powerslave (PC)
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Další texty, které jsem pro High Voltage napsal:
Jaká je přenosná konzole Odroid GO Advanced V2
Jaké je Sony PSP?
Anbernic RG351P – moje nová handheld hračka
Staré dobré prográmky na tvorbu videoher
Hraní (nejen) starých her na Steam Decku
Pod kapotou Hexena
Malý report z Retrogaming výstavy ve Vsetíně
Návštěva Arcade Muzea v Tišnově
Proběhl křest knihy Umění klasických adventur
Vytvořil jsem (nebo jsem na nich jen spolupracoval) pár módu pro různé hry:
Idoom mapping contest #1: Quake World (Doom 2)
Zones of Fear (Doom 2)
Energy Flux (Doom 2)
Czechbox (Doom 2)
Destroy Hell (Doom 2)
Destroy Hell 2: Massacre (Doom 2)
Czequisite Corpse (Doom 2)
F...ing Hexen (HeXen)
Penumbra (HeXen)
I'ts Real And It Kills (AKA Everything Sucks) (Heretic)
Gehenna (Doom)
Pendulum (Doom 2)
Blue Terror (Doom 2)
The Crossroads (HeXen)
Tu je na Doom wiki stránka o mně: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Matthias_(enkeli33)
Hry, které jsem dohrál v roce 2025
01 - Přítmí [PC] - 01/01/25
Hry, které jsem dohrál v roce 2024
01 - Prince of Persia [PC] (DOS) - 02/01/24
02 - Crash Bandicoot [PSX] (Duckstation) - 07/01/24
03 - Silent Hill: Shattered Memories [PSP] - 09/01/24
04 - Super Metroid [SNES] (BizHawk) - 14/01/24
05 - Silent Hill: Origins [PSP] (Good enging) - 16/01/24
06 - Silent Hill: Origins [PSP] (UFO ending) - 18/01/24
07 - QDOOM [PC] (Quake addon) - 18/01/24
08 - Slave Zero X: Episode Enyo [PC] (Quake addon) - 19/01/24
09 - Silent Hill: Origins [PSP] (Bad ending) - 19/01/24
10 - God of War: Ghost of Sparta [PSP] - 25/01/24
11 - God of War: Chains of Olympus [PSP] - 27/01/24
12 - Back to Saturn X E2: Tower in the Fountain of Sparks [PC] (Doom addon) - 03/02/24
13 - The Troopers' Playground [PC] (Doom addon) - 04/02/24
14 - The Secret of Donkey Island [PC] (DOS) - 06/02/24
15 - Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne [PC] (Steam) - 06/02/24
16 - Deathless [PC] (Doom addon) - 08/02/24
17 - Sonic CD [Sega CD] (Fusion emulator) - 10/02/24
18 - Earthless: Prelude [PC] (Doom addon) - 11/02/24
19 - Ve stínu havrana [PC] (Steam) - 13/02/24
20 - Base Ganymede [PC] (Doom addon) - 17/02/24
21 - Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter [PC] (Steam, cooperative) - 17/02/24
22 - Syringe [PC] (Doom addon) - 19/02/24
23 - Double Impact [PC] (Doom addon) - 19/02/24
24 - Heretic [PC] (Chocolate) - 23/02/24
25 - Becherův sen [PC] - 23/02/24
26 - Revolution! [PC] (Doom addon) - 24/02/24
27 - The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition [PC] (Steam) - 25/02/24
28 - Jazz Jackrabbit [PC] (GOG) - 28/02/24
29 - Wrath: Aeon of Ruin [PC] (Steam) - 01/03/24
30 - Harmony [PC] (Doom addon) - 02/03/24
31 - Zázračný lék [PC] - 03/03/24
32 - Spiritworld [PC] (Quake addon) - 06/03/24
33 - Anomaly Report [PC] (Doom addon) - 07/03/24
34 - Doom Zero [PC] (Doom addon) - 09/03/24
35 - Dark Seed [PC] (DOS) - 10/03/24
36 - 6 ženichů & 1 navíc [PC] - 11/03/24
37 - Duke Nukem: Zero Hour [N64] (Project64) - 24/03/24
38 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent [PC] (Steam) - 26/03/24
39 - Polda, aneb s poctivostí nejdřív pojdeš [PC] (Steam) - 30/03/24
40 - Golden Axe [Arcade] (MAME) - 04/04/24
41 - Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs [PC] (Steam) - 05/04/24
42 - Golden Axe [Genesis] (Fusion) - 05/04/24
43 - DreamLand: Final Solution [PC] - 12/04/24
44 - Cool Spot [Genesis] (Fusion) - 14/04/24
45 - Cool Spot [SNES] (BizHawk) - 17/04/24
46 - The Secret of Monkey Island [PC] (DOS) - 20/04/24
47 - ShadowCaster [PC] (DOS) - 21/04/24
48 - Gooka [PC] - 24/04/24
49 - Super Mario World [SNES] (BSNES-HD) - 01/05/24
50 - Polda 5 [PC] (Steam) - 04/05/24
51 - Castlevania Legends [Game Boy] (BizHawk) - 05/05/24
52 - Metroid II: Return of Samus [Game Boy] (BizHawk) - 11/05/24
53 - The Legend of Zelda [NES] (BizHawk) - 12/05/24
54 - Call of Duty [PC] (Steam) - 15/05/24
55 - Carmageddon [PC] (Steam) - 17/05/24
56 - Carmageddon Splat Pack [PC] (Steam) - 21/05/24
57 - Call of Duty: United Offensive [PC] (Steam) - 25/05/24
58 - Metroid Fusion [GBA] - 28/05/24
59 - Metroid: Zero Mission [GBA] - 31/05/24
60 - Brány Skeldalu 2: Pátý Učedník [PC] - 03/06/24
61 - Last Rites [PC] (Steam, DOS) - 09/06/24
62 - Fable [PC] (DOS) - 11/06/24
63 - Polda 2 remástr - dodatek [PC] (Steam) - 13/06/24
64 - Duke Nukem [PC] (DOS) - 13/06/24
65 - Blocked-out! [PC] (Megawad) - 16/06/24
66 - POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost [PC] (Steam) - 21/06/24
67 - Parallel Doomensions [PC] (Megawad) - 24/06/24
68 - Paint it Doom [PC] (Megawad) - 02/07/24
69 - Legacy of Rust [PC] (Megawad) - 12/08/24
70 - Gooka 2: Záhada Janatrisu [PC] - 18/08/24
71 - Quest for the Crystal Skulls [PC] (Megawad) - 19/08/24
72 - The Ultimate Doom [PC] (KEX engine, Pistol start) - 27/08/24
73 - Taz in Escape from Mars [Genesis] (BizHawk) - 06/09/24
74 - Doom II: Hell on Earth [PC] (KEX engine, Pistol start) - 07/09/24
75 - Castlevania Legends [Game Boy] (BizHawk) - 07/09/24
76 - Ecco the Dolphin [Genesis] (BizHawk) - 10/09/24
77 - Altered Beast [Genesis] (BizHawk) - 11/09/24
78 - Spot Goes To Hollywood [Genesis] (BizHawk) - 14/09/24
79 - Řež [PC] (Freeware) - 21/09/24
80 - Mickey's Ultimate Challenge [Genesis] (BizHawk) - 23/09/24
81 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Return of the Shredder [Genesis] (BizHawk, 2 players) - 05/10/24
82 - Kvark [PC] (Steam) - 06/10/24
83 - Hovniválové aneb záhada komixu [PC] (DOS) - 12/10/24
84 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl [PC] (Steam) - 15/10/24
85 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Return of the Shredder [PC] (BizHawk) - 17/10/24
86 - Rayman 2: The Great Escape [PSX] (Duckstation) - 03/11/24
87 - Streets of Rage 4 [PC] (Steam) - 09/11/24
88 - Pohádka o Mrazíkovi, Ivanovi a Nastěnce [PC] (Steam) - 28/11/24
89 - Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown [PSX] (DukeTM) - 05/12/24
90 - The Neverhood [PC] (ScummVM) - 09/12/24
91 - The Suffering [PC] (GOG) - 14/12/24
92 - Requiem: Avenging Angel [PC] (GOG) - 16/12/24
93 - Swigridova Kletba [PC] (DOS) - 21/12/24
94 - Řež Bechere [PC] - 23/12/24
95 - Edna [PC] (DOS) - 31/12/24
Hry, které jsem dohrál v roce 2023
1 - Syberia [PC] (Steam) - 08/01/23
2 - GTAIII [PC] (Steam) - 18/01/23
3 - Runaway: A Road Adventure [PC] (GOG) - 31/01/23
4 - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City [PC] (Steam) - 13/02/23
5 - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas [PC] (Steam) - 13/03/23
6 - Dyna Blaster [PC] (DOS) - 28/03/23
7 - Vlak [PC] (DOS) - 09/04/2023
8 - Aperture Desk Job [Steam Deck] (Steam) - 14/04/23
9 - Crash Bandicoot [PSX] (Duck Station) - 20/04/23
10 - System Shock [PC] (Steam) - 04/05/23
11 - Léto s Oskarem [PC] - (DOS) - 07/05/23
12 - Castlevania: Symphony of The Night [PSX] - (Steam Deck) - 08/05/23
13 - HROT [PC] - (Steam) - 16/05/23
14 - Torment: Tides of Numenera [PC] - (Steam) - 15/06/23
15 - GTA: Liberty City Stories [PSP] - (PPSSPP) - 26/06/23
16 - Harvester [PC] - (DOS) - 29/06/23
17 - Quake III Arena [PC] - (Steam) - 30/06/23
18 - Quake 4 [PC] - (Steam) - 07/07/23
19 - Detective Hayseed - Hollywood [PC] - (Steam) - 20/07/23
20 - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow [Nintendo Switch] - (No Saves) - 23/07/23
21 - Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance [Nintendo Switch] - (No Saves) - 29/07/23
22 - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon [Nintendo Switch] - (No Saves) - 04/08/23
23 - Quake II [PC] - (Steam, Remaster) - 12/08/23
24 - Quake II Mission Pack: The Reckoning [PC] - (Steam, Remaster) - 12/08/23
25 - Quake II: Ground Zero [PC] - (Steam, Remaster) - 13/08/23
26 - Quake II: Call of The Machine [PC] - (Steam, Remaster) - 14/08/23
27 - Quake 64 [PC] - (Steam, Remaster) - 15/08/23
28 - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon [Nintendo Switch] - (No Saves, Fighter mode) - 17/08/23
29 - Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition [PC] - (Steam, All original ROTT episodes + expansion packs) - 21/08/23
30 - Return of the Triad [PC] - (Steam, Steam, Gzdoom mod) - 23/08/23
31 - AMID EVIL [PC] - (Steam) - 24/08/23
32 - Amid Evil: The Black Labyrinth [PC] - (Steam) - 25/08/23
33 - Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold [PC] - (GOG, DOS) - 26/08/23
34 - Blake Stone: Planet Strike [PC] - (GOG, DOS) - 27/08/23
35 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night [Sega Saturn] - (As Alucard) - 01/09/23
36 - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories [PSP] - (PPSSPP) - 04/09/23
37 - Doom (1993) [PC] - (Unity version - Steam) - 07/09/23
40 - Master Levels for Doom II [PC] - (Unity version) 18/09/23
41 - Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour [PC] (Steam)- 29/09/23
42 - Ion Fury: Aftershock [PC] (Steam) - 07/10/23
43 - Blood: Marrow [PC] (Steam) - 08/10/23
44 - Quake: Contract Revoked [PC] (Steam, Quake Addon) - 13/10/23
45 - Tomb Raider II [PSX] (Duckstation) - 18/10/23
46 - Quake 4 [PC] - Steam - 28/10/23
47 - Hexen: Beyond Heretic [PC] (Steam, vanilla) - 01/11/23
48 - Sanitarium [PC] (GOG) - 03/11/23
49 - The Plutonia Experiment [PC] (Steam, Doom addon) - 06/11/23
50 - DUSK [PC] (Steam) - 07/11/23
51 - Polda 6 [PC] (Steam) - 10/11/23
52 - Portal [PC] (Steam) - 11/11/23
53 - The Rage [PC] - 15/11/23
54 - TNT: Evilution [PC] (Steam, Doom addon) - 17/11/23
55 - Wrath: Aeon of Ruin [PC] (Steam, demo) - 19/11/23
56 - No Rest for the Living [PC] (Steam, Doom addon) - 20/11/23
57 - Sigil [PC] (Steam, Doom addon) - 20/11/23
58 - Freedom Fighters [PC] (Steam) - 23/11/23
59 - BTSX Episode 1 [PC] (Steam, Doom addon) - 24/11/23
60 - Descent [PC] (Steam) - 01/12/23
61 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night [PC] (Steam) - 08/12/23
62 - Contra [NES] (BizHawk) - 08/12/23
63 - Zlatý kalich [PC] (Freeware) - 11/12/23
64 - Polda 2 Remástr [PC] (Steam) - 12/12/23
65 - Polda 2 Remástr [PC] (Steam, english version) - 16/12/23
66 - Polda 2 Remástr [PC] (Steam, speedrun) - 16/12/23
67 - No End in Sight [PC] (Steam, Doom addon) - 16/12/23
68 - Sigil II [PC] (Steam, Doom addon) - 17/12/23
69 - Bzzzt [PC] (Steam) - 17/12/23
70 - Spyro the Dragon [PSX] (Duckstation) - 22/12/23
71 - Someday You'll Return: Director's Cut [PC] (Steam) - 28/12/23
72 - Serious Sam 3: BFE [PC] (Steam) - 30/12/23
73 - Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile [PC] (Steam) - 30/12/23
Hry, které jsem dohrál v roce 2022
1 - Rekkr [PC] (Steam) - 05/01/22
2 - Hexen II [PC] - 06/01/22
3 - Hexen II: Portal of Praevus [PC] (Hexen II Datadisk) - 07/01/22
4 - Teenagent [PC] (GOG) - 08/01/22
5 - Serious Sam: Bright Island [PC] (Steam) - 09/01/22
6 - Serious Sam: The First Encounter [PC] (Steam) - 10/01/22
7 - Serious Sam: The Second Encounter [PC] (Steam) - 12/01/22
8 - Pět kouzelných amuletů [PC] - 14/01/22
9 - Serious Sam 2 [PC] (Steam) - 18/01/22
10 - Agent Mlíčňák [PC] (Dosbox) - 19/01/22
11 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein [PC] (Steam) - 21/01/22
12 - Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars [PC] (GOG) - 23/01/22
13 - Will Rock [PC] - 25/01/22
14 - Chex Quest [PC] - 25/01/22
15 - Chex Quest 2: Flemoids Take Chextropolis [PC] - 25/01/22
16 - Chex Quest 3 [PC] - 26/01/22
17 - Silent Hill [PSX] (Anbernic) - 10/02/22
18 - PowerSlave Exhumed [PC] GOG - 12/02/22
19 - Silent Hill 2 [PS2] (PCSX2) - 14/02/22
20 - Silent Hill 2: Born From A Wish [PS2] (PCSX2) - 14/02/22
21 - RoboCop Versus The Terminator [SNES] - 19/02/22
22 - NAM [PC] - 25/02/22
23 - Silent Hill 3 [PS2] (PCSX2) - 11/03/22
24 - Max Payne [PC] (Steam) - 19/03/22
25 - Super Mario Bros. 3 [NES] - 30/03/22
26 - Quake: Terra [PC] (Quake Addon) - 31/03/22
27 - Quake: Honey [PC] (Quake Addon) - 31/03/22
28 - Quake: Underdark Overbright & Copper [PC] (Quake Addon) - 31/03/22
29 - Quake 64 [PC] (Quake addon) - 02/04/22
30 - Polda 7 [PC] - 03/04/22
31 - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse [Genesis] - 16/04/22
32 - Streets of Rage [Genesis] (Fightcade) - 20/04/22
33 - Streets of Rage 2 [Genesis] (Fightcade) - 23/04/22
34 - Streets of Rage 3 [Genesis] (Fightcade) - 24/04/22
35 - Silent Hill 4: The Room [PS2] - 26/04/22
36 - I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream [PC] (Steam) - 04/05/22
37 - Outlaws [PC] (GOG) - 07/05/22
38 - A Handful of Missions [PC] (GOG) - 08/05/22
39 - Sonic 3D Blast [Genesis] (Gens+) - 10/05/22
40 - Wolfenstein 3D – 30th Anniversary Edition [PC] (Three last new episodes) - 12/05/22
41 - Tomb Raider [PSX] (ePSXe emulator) - 21/05/22
42 - Quake: The Punishment Due [PC] (Quake addon) - 03/06/22
43 - Sonic 3D Blast [Genesis] (Kega Fusion) - 09/06/22
44 - QuestLord [Android] - 10/06/22
45 - Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now [PC] (Cheats) - 20/06/22
46 - Doom 64 [PC] (GOG) - 26/06/22
47 - POSTAL [PC] (GOG) - 30/06/22
48 - Dračí historie [PC] (ScummVM) - 03/07/22
49 - POSTAL 2 [PC] (Steam) - 06/07/22
50 - POSTAL 2: Apocalypse Weekend [PC] (Steam) - 07/07/22
51 - Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge [Game Boy] - 07/07/22
52 - POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost [PC] (Steam) - 10/07/22
53 - Postal: Redux [PC] (Steam) - 12/07/22
54 - Stray [PS4] - 30/07/22
55 - Mrtvé město [PC] (Freeware) - 09/08/22
56 - Turok: Dinosaur Hunter [PC] (Steam) - 13/08/22
57 - Halo: Combat Evolved [PC] - 21/08/22
58 - Quake: Rubicon 2 [PC] (Quake addon) - 21/08/22
59 - Chaser [PC] (GOG) - 27/08/22
60 - Clock Tower [SNES] - 28/08/22
61 - Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven [PC] (Steam) - 07/09/22
62 - Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders [PC] (Steam Deck) - 16/09/22
63 - Polda 5 [PC] - 20/09/22
64 - Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour [PC] (Steam Deck) - 25/09/22
65 - Hexen: Beyond Heretic [PC] (Steam Deck) - 27/09/22
66 - POSTAL: Brain Damaged [PC] (Steam Deck) - 30/09/22
67 - Sonic the Hedgehog [Genesis] (Steam Deck, Kega Fusion) - 01/10/22
68 - Sonic Advance [GBA] (Steam Deck) - 02/10/22
69 - Sonic Advance 2 [GBA] (Steam Deck) - 02/10/22
70 - Doom II: Hell on Earth [GBA] (Steam Deck) - 04/10/22
71 - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow [GBA] (Steam Deck) - 06/10/22
72 - Quake: Beyond Belief [PC] (Quake addon) - 06/10/22
73 - Black Mirror 1 [PC] (GOG, German) - 09/10/22
74 - Portal [PC] (Steam Deck) - 09/10/22
75 - Chasm: The Rift [PC] (Steam Deck, Steam) - 11/10/22
76 - Chasm: The Rift (Addon) [PC] (Steam Deck, Steam) - 11/10/22
77 - DUSK [PC] (Steam) - 16/10/22
78 - The Lion King [Genesis] (Kega Fusion) - 17/10/22
79 - Golden Axe [Genesis] (Kega Fusion) - 18/10/22
80 - Golden Axe II [Genesis] (Kega Fusion) - 19/10/22
81 - Golden Axe [Arcade] (MAME) - 19/10/22
82 - Golden Axe III [Genesis] (Kega Fusion) - 20/10/22
83 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Return of the Shredder [Genesis] (Kega Fusion) - 21/10/22
84 - Albion [PC] (DOS, GOG) - 06/11/22
85 - Super Mario Bros. [NES] (Steam Deck) - 07/11/22
86 - Shadow Man [PC] (Steam) - 17/11/22
87 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 [Genesis] (Steam Deck) - 19/11/22
88 - Cool Dog [PC] (Freeware) - 20/11/22
89 - Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings [Genesis] (Steam Deck) - 24/11/22
90 - Cartman's Authoritah [PC] (Freeware) - 24/11/22
91 - Sonic 3 & Knuckles [Genesis] (Steam Deck) - 26/11/22
92 - Blood II: The Chosen [PC] (Steam) - 01/12/22
93 - Blood II: The Chosen - The Nightmare Levels [PC] (Steam) - 03/12/22
94 - Stíny noci [PC] (DOS) - 05/12/22
95 - Bio-Hazard Battle [Genesis] (Kega Fusion) - 05/12/22
96 - Horké léto [PC] (DOS) - 07/12/22
97 - Hollow Knight [PC] (Steam) - 11/12/22
98 - Polda 3 [PC] (Steam) - 14/12/22
99 - Doom [PSX] (Steam Deck) - 15/12/22
100 - Final Doom [PSX] (Steam Deck) - 19/12/22
101 - Metroid [NES] (Nestopia) - 19/12/22
102 - Commander Keen 1: Marooned on Mars [PC] (DOS, GOG) - 22/12/22
103 - Super Metroid [SNES] (Bsnes) - 26/12/22
Hry, které jsem dohrál v roce 2021
1 - The Ultimate Doom [PC] - 01.01.2021
2 - Serious Sam Classics: Revolution [PC] - (Steam Bright Island only) - 02.01.2021
3 - 5 Days a Stranger [PC] - 02.01.2021
4 - Sigil [PC] (Doom datadisk) - 02.01.2021
5 - Sigil [PC] (Doom datadisk - Ultra Violence) - 03.01.2021
6 - The Original Strife: Veteran Edition [PC] - GOG - 05.01.2021
7 - Clive Barker's Undying [PC] - GOG - 10.01.2021
8 - Alien Cabal [PC] - 11.01.2021
9 - Silent Hill: Homecoming [PS3] - 16.01.2021
10 - Unreal Gold [PC] - (GOG) - 18.01.2021
11 - Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali [PC] - (GOG Unreal datadisk) - 19.01.2021
12 - Play Novel: Silent Hill [Game Boy Advance] (as Harry) - 19.01.2021
13 - Posel Bohů [PC] (Windows - 98) 22.01.2021
14 - Redneck Rampage [PC] - (GOG) - 26.01.2021
15 - Sanitarium [PC] - (GOG) - 28.01.2021
16 - Silent Hill: The Arcade [Arcade] - 30.01.2021
17 - Castlevania: The Adventure [Game Boy] (patched version) - 30.01.2021
18 - Play Novel: Silent Hill [Game Boy Advance] (as Cybil) - 30.01.2021
19 - The Lost Episodes of Doom [PC] (Doom Datadisk) - 30.01.2021
20 - Redneck Rampage: Suckin' Grits on Route 66 [PC] - (GOG Redneck Rampage datadisk) - 01.02.2021
21 - Redneck Rampage Rides Again [PC] - (GOG Redneck Rampage datadisk) - 02.02.2021
22 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night [PS3] - 07.02.2021
23 - Castlevania Vampire's Kiss [SNES] (Emulator on PSP) - 09.02.2021
24 - Diablo II [PC] - 12.02.2021
25 - Diablo II: Lord of Destruction [PC] (Diablo II datadisk) - 14.02.2021
26 - Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos [PC] - (GOG) - 17.02.2021
27 - Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition [PC] - (Steam) - 17.02.2021
28 - Levels in Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach [PC] - (Steam Duke Nukem 3D datadisk) - 18.02.2021
29 - Duke Nukem 3D: Nuclear Winter [PC] - (Steam Duke Nukem 3D datadisk) - 18.02.2021
30 - Duke It Out In D.C. [PC] - (Steam Duke Nukem 3D datadisk) - 19.02.2021
31 - Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour [PC] - (Steam 5th episode) - 19.02.2021
32 - Amid Evil [PC] - (Steam) - 03.03.2021
33 - The Ultimate Doom [Nintendo Switch] - 05.03.2021
34 - Castlevania (1986) [Nintendo Switch] - 08.03.2021
35 - Super Castlevania IV [Nintendo Switch] - 09.03.2021
36 - Soldier of Fortune [PC] - (GOG) - 10.03.2021
37 - Castlevania: Bloodlines [Nintendo Switch] - 11.03.2021
38 - Chasm: The Rift [PC] - 18.03.2021
39 - Commander Keen 1: Marooned on Mars [PC] - (GOG) - 21.03.2021
40 - Abyss of Pandemonium [PC] (Quake datadisk) - 21.03.2021
41 - Episode 5: Dimension of the Past [PC] (Quake datadisk) - 23.02.2021
42 - Final Doom: TNT Evilution [Nintendo Switch] - 25.03.2021
43 - Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment [Nintendo Switch] - 10.04.2021
44 - Polda 4 [PC] - 02.05.2021
45 - Ultimate Doom [PC] (Brutal Doom mod) - 12.05.2021
46 - Red Faction [PC] - (Steam) - 15.05.2021
47 - Sigil [Nintendo Switch] (Doom Datadisk) - 22.05.2021
48 - Unreal Tournament [PC] - (Steam) - 24.05.2021
49 - Sonic 3 & Knuckles [Genesis] (PC Emulator) - 25.05.2021
50 - Ztracený ostrov [PC] (Windows XP) - 30.05.2021
51 - Chasm: The Rift [PC] (Panzer port) - 14.07.2021
52 - Chasm: The Rift - Cursed Land [PC] (Panzer port - 14.07.2021
53 - Silent Hill 4 - The Room [PC] - (GOG) - 22.07.2021
54 - Robocop versus The Terminator [Genesis] (PC emulator) - 24.07.2021
55 - Quake [PC] - (Steam) - 20.08.2021
56 - Quake Mission Pack No. 1: Scourge of Armagon [PC] - (Steam Quake datadisk) - 21.08.2021
57 - Quake Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity [PC] - (Steam Quake datadisk) - 22.08.2021
58 - Episode 5: Dimension of the Past [PC] - (Steam Quake datadisk) - 22.08.2021
59 - Dimension of the Machine [PC] - (Steam Quake datadisk) - 23.08.2021
60 - Duke Nukem Forever [PC] - (Steam) - 24.09.2021
61 - Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me [PC] - (Steam Duke Nukem Forever datadisk) - 28.09.2021
62 - Doom Eternal [PS4] - 03.10.2021
63 - Doom (2016) [PS4] - 12.10.2021
64 - Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) [Genesis] (Emulator on PSP) - 19.10.2021
65 - The Witcher (2007) [PC] - (GOG) - 28.10.2021
66 - Silent Hill P. T. [PS4] - 31.10.2021
67 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night [PSX] (Anbernic) - 02.11.2021
68 - Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) [Genesis] (Anbernic) - 02.11.2021
69 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992) [Genesis] (Anbernic) - 02.11.2021
70 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994) [Genesis] (Anbernic) - 03.11.2021
71 - Sonic & Knuckles (1994) [Genesis] (Anbernic) - 03.11.2021
72 - Mega Bomberman (1994) [Genesis] (Anbernic) - 04.11.2021
73 - Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings [Genesis] (Anbernic) - 05.11.2021
74 - Castlevania: Bloodlines [Genesis] (Anbernic) - 11.11.2021
75 - Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss [Nintendo Switch] - 15.11.2021
76 - Hollow Knight [PS4] - 18.11.2021
77 - Hexen: Beyond Heretic [PC] (Russian Hexen port) - 29.11.2021
78 - Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel [PC] (Russian Hexen port) - 30.11.2021
79 - Quake [PC] (Anbernic) - 11.12.2021
80 - Heretic [PC] (Anbernic) - 16.12.2021
81 - Brány Skeldalu [PC] - 27.12.2021
82 - Doom (2016) [Nintendo Switch] - 30.12.2021
Hry, které jsem dohrál v roce 2020
7 dní a 7 nocí
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity
Beneath a Steel Sky
Blood (Fresh Supply version)
Blood Cryptic Passage
Blood Cryptic Passage (Fresh Supply)
Blood Plasma Pak
Blood Plasma Pak (Fresh Supply)
Castlevania (1987)
Castlevania Chronicles
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: The Adventure
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
Contra: Hard Corps
Death Wish for Blood (mod)
Diablo: Hellfire
Doom (1993)
Doom (Game Boy Advanced)
Doom (PSX)
Doom 3
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
Doom 3: The Lost Mission
Doom 64
Doom Eternal (2020)
Doom II (Game Boy Advanced)
Doom II: Hell on Earth (1994)
Exhumed/Powerslave (PC)
Final Doom (PSX)
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Heretic II
Hexen II
Hexen II: Portal of Praevus
Hexen: Beyond Heretic
Hexen: Beyond Heretic (PSX)
Ion Fury
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings
Juggernaut: The New Story for Quake II
Mega Bomberman
Mission 2: Return to Danger (Spear of Destiny datadisk)
Mission 3: Ultimate Challenge (Spear of Destiny datadisk)
Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell
Polda 2
Polda 3
Polda 7 (demo)
Příhody z Galské země
Project Warlock
Quake II
Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero
Quake II Mission Pack: The Reckoning
Quake Mission Pack No. 1: Scourge of Armagon
Quake Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Rise of the Triad: Dark War
Rocket Knight Adventures 2
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior: Twin Dragon
Shadow Warrior: Wanton Destruction
Silent Hill (1999)
Silent Hill 2 (2001)
Silent Hill 3 (2003)
Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004)
Silent Hill: Downpour (2012)
Silent Hill: Origins (2007)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (2009)
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Spear of Destiny
Stíny noci
Street of Rage
Street of Rage 2
Street of Rage 3
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Tajemství Oslího ostrova
Tomb Raider
Wolfenstein 3D
World of Illusion
Zaero for Quake II
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