# | % | Název hry (Rok vydání)
Platformy, žánr |
Počet hodnocení |
1. | 74.6 |
1942 (1984)
10 |
2. | 65.5 |
4 Elements (2008)
11 |
3. | -- |
Acurspee (2005)
0 |
4. | 77.5 |
Adventure (1979)
2 |
5. | -- |
Age of Empires III Mobile (2007)
0 |
6. | 77.5 |
Angband (1990)
2 |
7. | 82.0 |
Another World (1991)
195 |
8. | 73.0 |
Archibald's Adventures (2008)
24 |
9. | 72.0 |
Assassin's Creed II (2009)
5 |
10. | 60.0 | 3 | |
11. | 69.1 |
Asteroids (1979)
7 |
12. | 60.0 |
Avalanche Snowboarding (2010)
1 |
13. | -- |
BecherCraft (2007)
0 |
14. | 81.5 |
Bejeweled 2 Deluxe (2004)
8 |
15. | 75.1 |
Bejeweled Deluxe (2000)
20 |
16. | -- |
Beton Bar (2006)
0 |
17. | -- |
Block Breaker Deluxe (2004)
0 |
18. | 55.4 |
Bookworm Deluxe (2002)
3 |
19. | -- |
Breakout (1976)
0 |
20. | 85.0 |
Brick Breaker Revolution (2007)
1 |
21. | 86.8 | 322 | |
22. | 67.5 |
Centipede (1981)
2 |
23. | 80.2 |
Chuzzle Deluxe (2005)
6 |
24. | -- |
Crazy Chevaliers (2007)
0 |
25. | -- |
Crystal Caliburn (1994)
0 |
26. | 62.4 |
CSI: Miami (2007)
3 |
27. | 65.2 |
Dig Dug (1982)
5 |
28. | 57.8 | 5 | |
29. | 85.7 |
Doom II RPG (2009)
3 |
30. | 77.1 |
Earthworm Jim (1994)
64 |
31. | 72.0 | 6 | |
32. | 40.5 |
Fieldrunners (2008)
4 |
33. | -- |
Fish Tycoon (2004)
0 |
34. | 55.3 |
Flight Control (2009)
14 |
35. | 74.3 |
Galaga (1981)
3 |
36. | 71.3 |
Gangstar 2: Kings of L.A. (2008)
4 |
37. | 65.9 |
Ghosts 'n Goblins (1985)
7 |
38. | -- | 0 | |
39. | -- |
Glyph (2006)
0 |
40. | 65.2 |
Hexic Deluxe (2003)
6 |
41. | 73.3 | 7 | |
42. | 81.7 |
Insaniquarium (2003)
9 |
43. | -- |
Iron Man 2 (2010)
0 |
44. | 80.0 |
Krypton Egg (1989)
1 |
45. | -- |
Legacy (2003)
0 |
46. | -- |
Lemonade Tycoon (2002)
0 |
47. | 80.0 |
Might and Magic (2004)
1 |
48. | 70.0 |
Miner 2049er (1982)
2 |
49. | 47.2 |
Missile Command (1980)
5 |
50. | 73.5 |
Myst (1993)
12 |