Po léta opuštěné sídlo na konci Pineview Drive je místem, kterému se místní obloukem vyhýbají. Hovoří se o tajemných hlasech a hrozivých zvucích, které vycházejí zevnitř domu. Někteří dokonce zahlédli i přízračná zjevení. Přesně před 20 lety jste byli naposledy uvnitř, ještě ve společnosti vaší Lindy, která zde záhadně zmizela, po čemž jste sídlo ve chvatu opustili. Léta jste pak sbírali odvahu k tomu, abyste se sem vrátili a pátrali po jejím dalším osudu. Času není nazbyt, uvnitř údajně nikdo nepřežije déle než 30 dní. Tak už neváhejte a směle račte vstoupit.
Pineview Drive je survival hororová adventura, zakládající si na temné atmosféře v kulisách starého domu, kde se tajemství může ukrývat za každými zamčenými dveřmi. Proto budete velice často hledat správné klíče nebo jiný způsob, jak překonat uzamčené průchody. Během 30 dní projdete všemi zákoutími sídla, i neudržovanou zahradou a budete pátrat po dalším osudu vaší milované Lindy. Děsivou atmosféru podporuje zvuková kulisa, kde vás mohou vylekat i vlastní kroky. Nesmíte se však nechat vyvést z míry, v případě přílišné bázně totiž ztrácíte vaši životní energii a můžete i zemřít...
Tady je vysvětlení celého příběhu, i když si osobně myslím, že je to pěkná sračka:
Pineview Drive - What really happened
Please read only if you don´t want to
be spoilered and don´t want to think
about the whole story by yourself!
20 years ago linda and you visited the
old house for holidays.
In this time strange things happend and
the story at first tells you that linda
died and you were able to escape.
Now you come back (20 years later) to
figure out what exactly happend to linda
in the past.
The first thing that should be a little
bit strange is the fact that almost all
plants in the house are still green, a
lot of fresh food can be found in the house etc.
Nothing of that should be there if the house
is empty since 20 years.
From day to day everything is getting more
and more strange and unreal waht happens
in the house.
At Day 30 you enter the underworld level
which looks absolutely unreal and more like
a bad dream. To the end of the level everything
is getting more and more strange/unreal until
you reach the machine, that doesn´t fit into
the whole story in any possible way.
After activating the maching, you see the story
from the intro in a different perspective.
What happened really?
20 years ago, strange and evil thing happend
to linda and you. By this events you died and
linda could escape and is still alive.
As you see at the end of the game, you are the
one who holds the evil doll in this hands and
linda escapes to save her life.
You own mind was not able to accept that you
died and keeps thinking that you are still
alive and linda died 20 years ago.
For this reason your mind comes allways
back to old house to find out what happened
to linda.
So the house if mostly looking like you have
seen it 20 years ago on your holiday trip.
In sudden moments of the game (open fridge
with bad food, spiderwebs in the plantroom etc)
the game shows your mind how the house looks like
today in the real world.
As it works in sudden dreams, the dream starts realistic
and gets more and more unreal with the time.
The same shows the storyline of the game.
When the player reaches the machine at the end and
starts it, his mind realized that this all can´t be
the truth and he starts to accept the fact that he
was the one who died 20 years ago.
Pineview Drive - What really happened
Please read only if you don´t want to
be spoilered and don´t want to think
about the whole story by yourself!
20 years ago linda and you visited the
old house for holidays.
In this time strange things happend and
the story at first tells you that linda
died and you were able to escape.
Now you come back (20 years later) to
figure out what exactly happend to linda
in the past.
The first thing that should be a little
bit strange is the fact that almost all
plants in the house are still green, a
lot of fresh food can be found in the house etc.
Nothing of that should be there if the house
is empty since 20 years.
From day to day everything is getting more
and more strange and unreal waht happens
in the house.
At Day 30 you enter the underworld level
which looks absolutely unreal and more like
a bad dream. To the end of the level everything
is getting more and more strange/unreal until
you reach the machine, that doesn´t fit into
the whole story in any possible way.
After activating the maching, you see the story
from the intro in a different perspective.
What happened really?
20 years ago, strange and evil thing happend
to linda and you. By this events you died and
linda could escape and is still alive.
As you see at the end of the game, you are the
one who holds the evil doll in this hands and
linda escapes to save her life.
You own mind was not able to accept that you
died and keeps thinking that you are still
alive and linda died 20 years ago.
For this reason your mind comes allways
back to old house to find out what happened
to linda.
So the house if mostly looking like you have
seen it 20 years ago on your holiday trip.
In sudden moments of the game (open fridge
with bad food, spiderwebs in the plantroom etc)
the game shows your mind how the house looks like
today in the real world.
As it works in sudden dreams, the dream starts realistic
and gets more and more unreal with the time.
The same shows the storyline of the game.
When the player reaches the machine at the end and
starts it, his mind realized that this all can´t be
the truth and he starts to accept the fact that he
was the one who died 20 years ago.
Pro: atmosféra na začátku, solidní nápad, osvětlení
Proti: extra stereotyp, céčkový horror, nesmysluplnost, stupidní příběh, špatná optimalizace...