Robert Prince, který dělal do Dooma hudbu si "vypůjčil" (nebo se nechal inspirovat) pár melodii od různých jiných, většinou metalových, písní. Zde je menší seznam:
MAP01/MAP15 - Megadeth "Hangar 18"
MAP04 - Podobné "Zero Hour" z Wolfenstein 3D
MAP07/19/29 - Slayer "South Of Heaven"
MAP09 - Stone Temple Pilots "Sex Type Thing"
MAP10/16 - Black Sabbath "After All (the Dead)"
MAP18/27 - Pantera "This Love"
MAP20/26 - Slayer "Skeletons Of Society"
MAP23 - Alice in Chains "Them Bones"
MAP25 - Alice in Chains "Angry Chair"
MAP31 - "Evil Incarnate" ze Spear of Destiny
MAP32 - "Ultimate Conquest" z Wolfenstein 3D. Podobné intru z "YYZ" od Rush a taky trochu "Mars, the Bringer of War" ze soundtracku k Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon Machine (složil Gustav Holst).
MAP01/MAP15 - Megadeth "Hangar 18"
MAP04 - Podobné "Zero Hour" z Wolfenstein 3D
MAP07/19/29 - Slayer "South Of Heaven"
MAP09 - Stone Temple Pilots "Sex Type Thing"
MAP10/16 - Black Sabbath "After All (the Dead)"
MAP18/27 - Pantera "This Love"
MAP20/26 - Slayer "Skeletons Of Society"
MAP23 - Alice in Chains "Them Bones"
MAP25 - Alice in Chains "Angry Chair"
MAP31 - "Evil Incarnate" ze Spear of Destiny
MAP32 - "Ultimate Conquest" z Wolfenstein 3D. Podobné intru z "YYZ" od Rush a taky trochu "Mars, the Bringer of War" ze soundtracku k Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon Machine (složil Gustav Holst).