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Rovnaký problém opisuje jeden fanda Cauldronu na svojom blogu. Zdá sa, že to súvisí s hardwarovou funkciou T&L (Transform and Lighting) na kartách NVidia 8xxx a vyriešil to softwarovou emuláciou cez freeware program 3DAnalyzer: blog
Of course, things wouldn’t remain problem-free for long. A massive polygonal glitch occurred after the first chapter when the game enters into a swamp and then into a heavily wooded forest, and then later on the water world of Wenomar (I told you there was striking variety in gameplay locations here). In my videocard’s attempt to render the reflective water surface and the swaying trees, the screen became awash with striated blue and green vibrating stripes crisscrossing the screen and obliterating everything in sight.
Thus began a two-day hunt for a solution; eventually, the net told me this problem was related to the 8x-series of nVidia cards’ drivers. Then, I discovered a tiny post on some cobwebbed thread somewhere discussing how using a freeware program called 3DAnalyzer to run the game, while checking one of the options labeled “Emulate HW TnL caps” (which basically forces the game to use the main processors, rather than the videocard, to render the game) would make the game run normally. I gave it a shot and VIOLA! If you play this title and run into a serious polygonal glitch that hinders your progress, give this a shot. Just Google “3DAnalyzer” and the free download will appear. The entire game does not need to be run through 3DAnalyzer, however. Since using 3DA will give you a serious processing hit, only use it in sections when your graphics go haywire (usually where water, trees, or grass is present).

Ak má pravdu, potom by možno pomohlo nastavenie softwarového renderovania T&L cez utilitu DX Control Panel, ktorá je súčasťou developerského kitu DirectX. Pri softwarovej emulácii ale dostane procesor zabrať jak sviňa, zvlášť vo vysokom rozlíšení! ^^
Má někdo představu o tom, jak tuto hru rozjet na novějších grafických kartách? Bohužel v době vydání mi to nezvládal počítač a když jsem s k ní po letech vrátil s lepší PC, je to nehratelné. V interiérech je to ještě ok, ale jak se dostanu ven, kde je nějaká vegetace - obraz se zaplní nesmyslnými fragmenty rozbité geometrie. Je to škoda, protože tohle je hra od Cauldronu a rád bych si ji zahrál. Ale stejné problémy má i Civil War rovněž od Cauldronu, což poukazuje na to, že hry z tohot období používaly nějakou chybnou technologii, díky které se dnes už nedají hrát...